Tuesday, 25 November 2014

I'm still alive

I'm still alive. One might not think so, looking at the desolation that is this blog, but I am.

I may as well put down the process  for writing new posts here:

1) Log into Google + (not entirely sure if this is necessary)
2) Go to Blogger
3) Go to New Post

For such a simple process, they really managed to make it tortuous.

So, for my hordes of readers anxious to know the latest exploits of their hero (lol) the question is begged: what have I been up to?

Sadly the truth is working at the factory, arriving home tired and disgruntled, and doing what the rest of the world does, goofing off in the evening until bedtime calls. (10 o'clock for yours truly). Fallout 3 with the Apocalypse Armoury mod is my poison of choice, and it's strangely soothing to traipse around a virtual wasteland, with nothing but a shotgun and Dogmeat's panting for company.

Oh, ok: I've not only been doing that.

I've been doing other things too, such as trying to make a set of custom knives and a gladius (since I can't afford to import a sweet, sweet Albion Swords model) and also a set of diy body armour, which while probably effective, is hideously ugly and hilariously uncomfortable.

But writing?

Have I been able to squeeze in a trickle of writing in between all the bric-a-brac of life?

Why, yes, I have. :) When the writing bug has you, its hard not to do anything.

I've fleshed out a large part of the plot of Tergin's Tale Book 2.

I've also plotted a five part series of novellas featuring a fellow called Martin Chalk, who is a rather different character from the somewhat rough and ready Tergin. I've long been a fan of Mr Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, and tried my hand at a fantasy version of a Sherlockian tale. Except for that Martin Chalk, while quite competent, is a little short of Mr Holmes' all-conquering skillset. I had in mind a gentler character, somebody resourceful, yet still human. The first novella, "The Underworld King" should be plopped onto Amazon fairly soon.

Anyway, that's all she wrote for now.

I should be, together with my GF, be taking transfer of a small plot of land in December, and I will pretty much be working my arse off for the next couple of months.

*Twirls cane, sweeps cape, bows*

Adieu, o multitudinous bots and web crawlers. ;)