Thursday, 23 April 2020

Martin Chalk Book #1 on free promotion

From the 23rd (today) till the 26th of April 2020, the first Martin Chalk book will be on free promotion. It's being advertised through sites like Book Barbarian and Genrepulse. I'm interested in seeing what sort of downloads I get and whether the downloads actually translate to read-through sales of the following books.

I have tarted the book up a little. I added a prologue that I feel ties in much better with the end of the book, as well as book 2. That prologue features Jen Naroth, the forger first seen in the free short story Of Horses and Pickled Fish. Some bits with Abrez Logar in them were also expanded a bit and I feel the reader gets a bit more insight into him.

A short story featuring Danrod has just been finished and is going through the editing and proof reading process. I'll plop it on Amazon as soon as I have a viable cover.