Friday, 15 March 2024

 I've published the Lollo and Snollo Mini Activity Book 1 on the Internet Archive. It can be downloaded for free at this link:

 It contains a short story on Lollo and Snollo's quest to bake the world's biggest cookie, crosswords, find-the-word games, pictures to colour in as well as mazes. The solutions are included and ought to keep a kid busy for a few hours.


Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Still Here ...

 So I'm still in the game. I'm busy on kid's books at the moment, namely Lollo and Snollo. I've always liked bears and bear stories, so this fusion of illustration and fun, no-stress writing suits me perfectly. I've just put up #5, am busy with #6 and have finished an activity book magnet which will hopefully be of some use to draw readers to the main series.

Here's the first book, Lost in the Forest: