Monday, 7 January 2019

Getting back into it

After quite a while of treating my writing as a fun diversion from my usual activities (metalwork mostly) I've decided to actually go for it in a serious manner.

Writing a book is the easy part. Hell, I've been doing it since I was 12.

Actually getting anybody to read it is another entirely. Getting people to read them thar books means marketing, and if there's anything I'm not a fan of it's punting my stuff as though its something special - the same as all the other 21 350 000* authors out there. For some reason marketing has been my achilles heel since forever.

But apparently that's how its done, so Tergin and Martin Chalk will have to do their little dance and juggle some flaming balls on the street corner. Sorry, Martin, I know you have better things to do, but, just this one jig and that's it**.

* Figure entirely sucked from my thumb.

** A lie, obviously.

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