Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Martin Chalk: The Search in Sheona coming soon

The second installment of the Martin Chalk series is coming out soon.

It's been finished, edited and re-edited. Cover done, and that's going to look a little different from other covers. More on this later.

Why so long, though?

Well, for one reason, its financial.

Writing hasn't so much as paid for an ice cream so far and unfortunately real-life hassles like paying the electrical bill and putting food on the table have interfered with writing for fun. I'm now in a position to give my writing some much needed attention and to see whether something that I do for the love of it can't become a viable sub-career.

The second reason is my own tendency to devolve into complexity. Nothing I do (except for one-off short stories) seems to be simple and to the point.

The Martin Chalk series was originally meant to be knocked out in a year (LOL) and then I was going to get a move on with Book 2 of Tergin's Tale. It's burning in the back of my mind and I need to write it.

Unfortunately I can't turn out porridge and be happy with it.

My characters took on a life of their own and needed back stories. The plot linking the 5 books needed a thoroughly worked out backstory. That plot developed subplots. I ended up having to hack my way out of the spider's web through sheer dint of effort. Now that I've re-ignited the Chalk series I'm not going to stop till it's done, in case I forget who was doing what and why.

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