Sunday, 3 February 2019

Sales, but from where?

Interestingly enough, I've had a small burst of sales lately.

As a self-pubbed author, it it pretty important to know what caused those sales, and unfortunately, I don't have a clue.

I've been pursuing two forms of advertising lately.

One is the Amazon keywords thing where your book appears as "recommended" below other books with hopefully the same characteristics. I've received a modest amount of impressions (times that people have seen the book) but rather low click through rate. None of those clicks have resulted in sales. Yet, sales I am getting.

The book Martin Chalk and the Case of the Underworld King was recently on free promo. Again, only a modest number of people downloaded it, and it seems strange that all the sales I've had were from that book, which folks probably picked up for free anyway.

Head-scratching time.

Either the folks that downloaded it as free came back to buy it, which was cool of them ... or they possibly recommended it to friends who then bought it. 'Tis only 99c after all.

Anyway, I wish I knew what was pushing the sales :)

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