Monday, 18 February 2019

Writing Music - Battleroar

Here's a different sort of post related to writing.

I personally find myself more productive when I'm listening to some sort of music.

My poison of choice is heavy metal, but not just any sort will do for writing. Staccato rhythms and rap-like lyrics are straight into the garbage bin. That's because I need to think of my own words without some guy screaming the same phrase into my ear over and over.

I tend to look for stuff with sweeping melodies and grand narratives, while still retaining the energetic guitar work that is typical of good metal. Excellent vocals are a must, but the vocals mustn't overwhelm the music, but complement it. Some sort of unusual instrument, like, oh, I don't know, a violin, perhaps, adds interest to such a band. :)

I've lent an ear to this band from Greece for some time now, and Battleroar's latest offering is Codex Epicus, to be found here:

It fulfils my writing music requirements very well, and is a masterpiece to be listened to at other times as well.

For what it's worth, I recommend them highly.

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